Challenge Roth Expo – biggest triathlon expo in the world
The place to be for all friends of endurance sports.
In 2025, the most important and largest triathlon expo in the world will take place in Roth again.
In the triathlon park you will find the latest innovations from the scene, autograph sessions with pro athletes and special expo offers from the exhibiting companies. There is a lot to discover!
Entry is free of charge.
Have fun!
Opening hours
When booking a site, you will receive:
- A free parking lot next to the expo site
- Free entry to Friday's Pasta Party
- Free entry to the volunteer food court on race day
- Free access to the exhibitor lounge during the Expo days
Location on the right in front of the Schützenhaus, own tent, free drinks, free fruit and a small selection of pastries and finger food - Free use of toilets on the entire site
- A Welcome Pack at Expo Check-In
- A mention as an exhibitor on the DATEV Challenge Roth website
- Free flooring on the sales floor and throughout Challenge Plaza
- Free electricity connection
- Free water options
- Free internet access via WLAN
In addition, we have put together a variety of new, paid services and offers that you can use to complement and expand your trade fair presence:
- Rent a 3x3 tent (limited offer)
- Rent a storage container
- Rent a Smart TV
- Rental of a beer tent pack
- Product sampling on-site
- Product sampling in the athlete bags
- Presence(s) in the digital race pack

Contact: Markus Englert
Exhibitors 2025 (List will be updated regularly)
Accessoires, Ernährung, Schuhe, Laufsocken
Helme und Schlösser
Run organizer
Running shoes
ARTZT neuro
Information über Prävention, Vorsorge und Früherkennung von Krebserkrankungen. Hautkrebsscreening vor Ort durch einen Dermatologen für Triathleten und Expobesucher, Sonnencremespender am Stand, Verteilung von Sonnenmilchpromofläschchen 50ml Sonnenschutzfaktor 50 + an Interessierte zum Sonnenschutz und Sonnenschutzkäppis während der gesamten Veranstaltung
Recovery Tools
Eye Wear
Getränk auf Zitronen- und Honigbasis
Wetsuits, Swimwear, Goggles, Running Shoes, Sunglasses |
Cyclng shoes |
Race Information

In der Challenge World findet ihr alles rund um den Challenge. Laufklamotten, Radtrikots, Accessoires und viele Geschenkideen. Hier habt ihr die Chance, euer Stück ROTH mit nach Hause zu nehmen.
Infomaterial zum Verband, Infomaterial Nürnberg Triathlon
Ausstellung Produkte Laufräder und Naben |
Triathlon gear
Cycling, running
AI Training App
Tombola und Merchandising-Ware des Vereins
ERDINGER Alkoholfrei, ERDINGER Active Team
Kölner Start-up
Sportuhren / Fahrradcomputer |
Reiseleistungen, Events |
App |
Performance-Socken, Caps, Bucket Hats, Headbands, Neck Tube
Lifestyle-Produkte: Caps, Sweatshirts, T-Shirts, Socken
Sports nutrition - complete nutrition solutions - for activity and recovery |
Infostand der Bayerischen Polizei
Merchandise, Coffee & Prints
Fahrradhelme |
KickAss Training / Education / Community KickAss Merchandising |
Ingwer Shots & Smoothies
Mobile Sprioergometrie |
Performance Sportswear |
Fitnessgeräte |
Hotel Companies |
Sportsfuel: Gels, Drink Mix & Solids
Sportnahrung |
Aufklärung über sauberen Sport Beantwortung zu Fragen rund um Anti-Doping-Themen Gewinnspiel Fotobox |
Cooling technology and custom headgear
Basische Lebensmittel und Körperpflegeprodukte
Sports Micronutrition |
detail-oriented products engineered for superior handling |
Laufschuhe, Triathlonbedarf, Sportuhren |
Appareal, Triathlon, running and cycling gear |
Princeton - Pure Power Nutrition - 4iiii Powermeter - Core - Form Swim
Triathlonfahrräder |
Bike-Service (Reparatur)
Produkte für Triathlon-Räder
Recovery Produkte
Triathlonbekleidung, Radsportbekleidung, Laufbekleidung, Custom Teamwear
Unser Partnerhotel
Laufschuhe und Regenerationsschuhe |
Triathlon wear
wetsuits, swimskins, racegear, equipment, swimwear, apparel
Sports Headphones
1 Messestand 2 Physioliegen |
Sypoba, Gatepress, Stärke Dich und mehr |
Triathlon Trinksysteme - Aero Hydration System
Spenden sammeln, Verschenken von Blinke Herzen zum anstecken
Triathlon Gear
Wheels, Aparell, Cycling parts
Running Wear
Cycling Shoes
Sports drink
Hybridwasserzelle |
bicycle saddles |
Compression Socks and Sleeves |
Fahrradzubehör und -teile, Fahrradreparaturen, Fahrradbekleidung und Kundenberatung |
Swim wear |